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Jumat, 23 September 2011

Phantom Mask Hack

Kali ini saya mau shere chet rambut Phantom di ns
langsung aja 

-Charles (Tempat Download)

1. Buka Charles yang sudah kamu install
2. Kemudian masuk ke Ninja Saga, pilih karakter
3. Breakpoints http://app.ninjasaga.com/ (klik kanan, lalu pilih Breakpoints dua kali)
4. Setelah itu masuk ke Style Shop
5. Setelah itu Charles akan muncul sendiri, lalu klik Execute
6. Pilih "Edit Response" lalu "AMF"
7. Expand "hair_data" lalu expand "[0]"
8. Ganti Value Id menjadi 257 dan ganti Value swf_name menjadi 123_0
9. Setelah itu lepas Breakpoints, lalu klik Execute
10. Kemudian kamu akan masuk ke Style Shop secara Otomatis, setelah itu tinggal equip Phantom Mask


NB:harus ganti warna kulit atau rambut biar permanen
Emblem tidak butuh token ,Free user butuh 300 token untuk ganti warna rambut atau warna kulit

Sekian dan terimakasih banyak

Minggu, 11 September 2011

Daily Hack + Kill All Boss + Mission TP + Mission lv 60&62 =UPDATE

hmm dah pensaran ya??
nih langsung isep..

-Fidler (Tempat Download)
-File SWF
-Password : -NScP-

Cara Pemakaian:
-Download Fidller dan FileSWF di atas
-Buka fidler
-Centang kotak "Enable automatic responses" dan juga "Permit passthrough for unmatched request"
-Drag semua SWF yang ada di dalam file RAR
-Lalu masuk kan password nya yaitu -NScP-
-Lalu masuk NS dan pilih Character masing-masing

Cara Penggunaan:
-Masuk Ke reqruit friend
-Pilih Item yang kalian inginkan
-Lalu klik start

Tidak ada efeck berarti wajib clear chace

Cara Clear chace :
-Untuk Mozilla Firefox : Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Pilih Network Tab -> Clear Now -> Klik OK
-Untuk Google Chrome : Pilih icon yang berada di pojok kanan atas (sebelah bintang) -> Options -> Under the Hood -> Clear Browsing Data -> Empty the cache -> Clear Browsing Data

Credit : -NScP- http://nscheater-pwt.blogspot.com/

Cheat Instant Misi TP

Kali ini saya Mau Shere Cheat Instan Mission TP
Langsung aja

-Fidller (Tempat Download)
-Pasword :090909

Cara Pemakaian:
-Instal dulu Fidller lalu buka
-Klik Auto Responder Centang " enable automatic responses " dan juga di "permit  passthrough for unmatched request "
-Drag swf yang sudah di download tadi
-Masukan Password Nya Yaitu 09090
-Lalu Masuk NS dan pilih Character mu..

Cara Penggunaan:
-Pilih Misi TP yang di inginkan dan Misi akan selesai dengan sendiri nya

Tidak ada efeck berarti wajib Clear Chace

Cara Clear Chace
-Untuk Mozilla Firefox : Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Pilih Network Tab -> Clear Now -> Klik OK

-Untuk Google Chrome : Pilih icon yang berada di pojok kanan atas (sebelah bintang) -> Options -> Under the Hood -> Clear Browsing Data -> Empty the cache -> Clear Browsing Data

Sumber : http://smoker9.blogspot.com/2011/09/cheat-ninja-saga-instant-talent-point.html

Sabtu, 10 September 2011

2nd Annivesary Hack

2nd Annivesary Hack
-Setiap Login Dapat Rock Badge dan RouleteTiket
-Setiap Menyelesaikan Misi Mendapat Wind Badge
-Boss Shikigami Dori
-Invite Friend Mendapat Forest Badge

Langsung aja
-Fidller (Tempat Download)

Cara Pemakaian:

-Download dulu fiddler
-Kemudian Install Fiddler
-Baru jalankan Fiddler
-Klik Tab AutoResponder (yg icon-nya petir hijau)
-Centang kotak "Enable automatic responses" dan juga "Permit passthrough for unmatched request"
-Jatuhkan .SWF File yang kamu download tadi ke kolom AutoResponder
-Setelah itu bersihkan chace
-Masuk ke Ninja Saga
-Baru pilih karakter yang akan kamu mainkan

Cara Penggunaan:
Masuk NS dan fitur-fitur Anniversary ada lagi

Credit:Hayate22 [CI]


hahahahah ini dia yang kalian cari cari yaitu ATM EXP PNS atau NSX

Langsung aja.
-Fidler (Tempat Download)

Cara Pemakaian:

-Download dulu fiddler dan SWF
-Kemudian Install Fiddler
-Baru jalankan Fiddler
-Klik Tab AutoResponder (yg icon-nya petir hijau)
-Centang kotak "Enable automatic responses" dan juga "Permit passthrough for unmatched request"
-Jatuhkan .SWF File yang kamu download tadi ke kolom AutoResponder
-Setelah itu bersihkan chace
-Masuk ke Ninja Saga
-Baru pilih karakter yang akan kamu mainkan

Cara Penggunaan:
-Masuk Ke Requt Friend
-Lalu Tinggal Klik Start

Tidak ada efeck wajib clear chace
Untuk Mozilla Firefox : Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Pilih Network Tab -> Clear Now -> Klik OK
Untuk Google Chrome : Pilih icon yang berada di pojok kanan atas (sebelah bintang) -> Options -> Under the Hood -> Clear Browsing Data -> Empty the cache -> Clear Browsing Data

Artikel ini Di Dapat Dari Web/Blog : http://kang-yasin.blogspot.com/2011/09/update-cheat-atm-exp-for-pns-nsx.html#ixzz1XgejRLHC

Cara Mendapat Gold Gratis Di Pockie Ninja

Kali ini saya mau shere Cara Mendapat Gold Gratis di Pockie Ninja
Dari pada penasaran langsung aja

Character anda harus memenuhi persyaratan sebagai berikut :
Level 30 keatas
Pernah tidak login ke dalam game 7 hari berturut-turut pada saat bulan Juni , July atau Agusutus
Jika character anda memenuhi persyaratan di atas ikuti langkah di bawah ini untuk mendapatkan GOLD dan berbagai item yang bagus seperti PET gift box*1

Langkah-Langkah :
1.masuk ke Klik Di sini Dan Login
2.Click tombol verify ID and claim gift pack

3.Kemudian akan muncul pop up yang berisi nama character , server , dan level character anda

4. klik tombol redeem di sebelah kanan.

5.Setelah kamu klik redeem kamu akan otomatis masuk ke dalam game.Sesudah itu klik tombol coupon di dalam game dan claim gift pack yang ada seperti gambar di bawah

6.Kamu sudah mendapatkan GOLD dan beberapa item yang bagus.

Sekian dan Terimakasih

Release Wallhack PB Indo Glasess Mode + Ammo Hack

Kali ini saya mau shere cheat PB  Release Wallhack PB Indo Glasess Mode + Ammo Hack

Fitur/Hotkey :
-WallHack On Mode : Home ,No off
-Ammo Mode Beta : Capslock + ?? (Saya sarankan jangan pakai dulu)

Nb :
(-)Untuk Support Windownya Bisa Lihat di Password nya
(-)Tidak Boleh Main Vote Kick Sesama Cheater 

Credit: Andrie|DK
Sumber : http://cheater-qwerty.blogspot.com/2011/A/release-wallhack-pb-indo-glasess-mode.html

Sekian dan Terimakasih

Rare Exp Hack From -NScP-

Yo apa kabar sobat??
kali ini saya akan shere cheat Instan Mision From -NScP-
langsung aja

-Fidler (Tempat Download)
-Password Swf ada di dalam file RAR

Cara Pemakaian:
-Buka Fidler
-Centang "Enable automatic responses" dan juga "Permit passthrough for unmatched request"
-Drag semua swf yang ada di dalam file RAR
-Masukan Password nya yaitu -NScP-
-Masuk NS dan pilih Character kalian

Cara Menggunakan:
-Masuk ke Reqruit Friend
-Pilih EXP sesuai level kalian
-Lali Klik Start
-Tunggu 13-15 detik
-Lalu Pilih Lagi EXP sesuai level kalian

Tidak ada efeck berarti Wajib Clear Chace

Cara Clear chace:

(-)Untuk Mozilla Firefox : Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Pilih Network Tab -> Clear Now -> Klik OK

(-)Untuk Google Chrome : Pilih icon yang berada di pojok kanan atas (sebelah bintang) -> Options -> Under the Hood -> Clear Browsing Data -> Empty the cache -> Clear Browsing Data

Credit : -NScP-

Sekian dan Terimakasih
Mohon di maafkan jika ada kata kata yang salah

Jumat, 09 September 2011

Pet Society - Cheat Item Rare V.11

Credit :Zul Fikar From Melfiz.com(Leopards-Hack)

Need :

WinRar or WinZip.
Fiddler 2 Web Debugger [download]
Google Chrome - Mozilla Firefox - Internet Explorer .
Cheat Item Rare V.11 [ Downloads ] why do I always fail to do the cheat Click Here For Tips

Step :

1. Download Database from the links above.
2. Click on " Autoresponder "
3. Please insert your " Eneable Automatic Responses "and" Permit passthrough for unmatched request "
4. Select the files and drag them to Fiddler and replace Mystery Shop.dat The rule editor are as required
5. Reload Pet Society. If replaced correctly, the 1 lines will be highlighted.
6. Go To Mystery Shop And Happy Shopping ^.^
7. Enjoy!

Pet Society - Cheat All Fruits

Kali ini saya mau shere cheat All Fruits
dapet copas dari Melfiz.com

langsung aja

Need :

WinRar or WinZip.
Fiddler 2 Web Debugger [download]
Google Chrome - Mozilla Firefox - Internet Explorer .
Cheat All Fruits [ Downloads ] why do I always fail to do the cheat Click Here For Tips

Step :

1. Download Database from the links above.
2. Click on " Autoresponder "
3. Please insert your " Eneable Automatic Responses "and" Permit passthrough for unmatched request "
4. Select the files and drag them to Fiddler and replace actions.dat The rule editor are as required
5. Reload Pet Society. If replaced correctly, the 1 lines will be highlighted.
6. Open Chest, And See All Fruits ^.^
7. Enjoy!

Sumber : http://www.melfiz.com/2011/09/pet-society-cheat-all-fruits-thursday.html

Release Wallhack Crazy Mode 24 JAm Non Stop Work

Whaaa kali ini saya mau shere cheat PB Wallhack mode
kalian dah tau wallhack itu apa??
Wallhack adalah cheat yang bisa melihat tembus tembokuntuk mengetahui posisi lawan

Langsung aja

Fitur Hack PB Indo
-->Wallhack Normal
-->Wallhack Zzz
-->No Smoke Hack Mode

Hotkey --> Insert=On

(-)Yang ada tulisan BT jangan pernah di on kan
(-)On kan di loby Wallhack nya No BT

Credit: Andrie-DK

Cheat Demage Jadul

Hai kali ini saya mau shere Cheat Demage Ninja Saga Jadul Yang Udah Ga bisa sekarang bisa lagi
Cheat nya cocok buat kamu yang kesusahan Bantai semua boss di Hunting House
ok langsung aja kita mulai

-Cheat Engine Cari di Blog ini


1 . Masuk ns berhenti di pemilihan char
2 . Buka CE ( cheat engine )
3 . Pilih Browser yg Kamu Gunakan
4 . Ganti "4byetes"  jadi  " araay of byetes "
5 . Scan " 62 04 D3 24 64 A3 A2 " ( Tanpa Tanda Kutip ) Trus Pindahkan Addres Ke Bawah
6 .Ganti Valuenya Menjadi  " 62 04 D3 24 64 A2 A2 " ( tanpa Tanda kutip )
7 .Pilih char yang mau d mainkan dan play
8 .Masuk hunting house lawan booss yang mana aj and pke jutsu apa saja dan liat damagenya Kalian

Catatan : tidak berfungsi saat menggunakan jurus ber efeck,dan Talent

Rabu, 07 September 2011

Banner NS

Selasa, 06 September 2011

Trik Tips Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monk

Kali ini saya mau shee Trik Mortal kombat Shaolin monk
Mngkin ini dah basi tapi lumayan lah buat yang belum tau

OK langsung aja
ini dapet copas dari orang luar soalnya orang luar lebih tau

UnlockableHow to Unlock
Mortal Kombat II (Arcade)Complete all 5 Smoke Missions

Unlockable Characters

UnlockableHow to Unlock
Scorpion in Story ModeBeat the game with Liu Kang
Subzero for single player mode and co op modeBeat the game once with kung lao

Unlockable Characters For Versus Mode

Finding Secret Orbs will sometimes net you a new character for versus mode.
UnlockableHow to Unlock
Johnny CageSecond Level. Right after the first "Test Your Might" event, Cage's orb is directly above in a small roofed area.

Unlockable Reptile

Living Forest. Go to the section after the Brotherhood Of Shadow. Long Jump across the gap with the tiny waterfall. Go through the door. Now, get the Clay Statues to come to life. Destroy their shield. You only need 1 of them. Now, get one of them over near the Giant Stone Cloumn on the other side of the stream. It's the stone column right near where you entered. Throw the Clay Statue into it! It should come crashing down. Now, return to where the little waterfall was. There is no longer a waterfall. Just a Koin that contains Reptile.

Unlock Johnny Cage

In the wu-shi academy where everything is burning. Go to the very right of the gate and jump onto the roof of the house. Run to the right and jump. If you did it correctly, you will be on a new platform with a boulder blocking your way. 

Unlock Baraka

In the soul tomb portal, got to the area where you have to wall climb. You will see 2 paths. One leads left, the other right. The right path has a statue. Use fist of ruin and break it. Keep going and use the long jump ability across the gap and you will get him. 

Unlock Kitana

In the MK2 arena level (right before the portal with the two statues in front of it) in the evil monastery, you will see many pillars. Jump on one of them which is half broken and then double jump onto the roof. You will find the secret there. 

Unlock Sub-Zero and Scorpion

Unlock Sub-Zero
After taking the boat ride across blood lake, his VS. icon is in back of the lion looking statue to your left (facing the big door), just run along the wall and when you get to the end double jump and its yours. 
Unlock Scorpion
In foundry follow the pathway downstairs to the left of the save station. Two archers will bust through the wall. Throw one at the wall to the left of the door way and it will bust open revealing a secret room full of lava and a ying yang on a ledge. Grab one of the archers and throw them in the lava. Then double jump off the guards back to claim the Scorpion ying yang for VS.

Rescue Kabal and get his Hookswords

In the Wastelands, there are two doors that are covered with human bodies. One leads to the Elemental Warriors, the other is an area where Shokan warriors are throwing boulders at you. Go though the second door. Simply avoid the boulders and climb the ladders until you reach the top. There you will find Kabal inside a cage. Once he is freed, he will leave his hookswords as a sign of gratitude.

Vs. Levels

UnlockableHow to Unlock
DeadpoolUse the ko-op switch in Reptiles Lair
Living ForestUse the ko-op switch in Reptiles Lair

How to unlock the arena between the Dead Pool and The Living Forest.

To get the Kombat Tombs you must go to the entrance of the Soul Tombs, when you get there go into the room nearest the statue, you must throw 3 enemies into the 3 Iron Maidens (the spike walls that slam shut) and The Kombat Tomb Koin will appear
UnlockableHow to Unlock
Kombat Tomb Arena (Vs. Mode)Throw 3 Enemies into the 3 Iron Madiens in the Soul Tombs

Survival Mode

To access Survival Mode, you must be at the Foundry Stage. While holding the forged axe, walk back to the main chamber where you first found the save point. Walk down the corridor to the back and break away the wall on the left-hand side. Jump into the pool of lava in this room, then go back to the main chamber. Walk the path to the right of the save point and destroy the right-hand barrel at the end of the corridor. From here, go back to the main chamber, walk up the stairs to your left and move towards the barrels you see in the area. Be careful to only break the one on the right-hand side. Go back, but instead of going down the stairs again, keep hard to the right. There's a niche with two more barrels. Break the one on the right. Go back to the left and down the hall with the spike crushers falling overhead. When you past them, break the barrel closest to the right-hand wall. Return to the niche to break its last barrel, then back to break the remaining barrel just over the stairs. Survival Mode is the Boss Rush Mode of Shaolin Monks.

MK: Shaolin Monks Secrets

  • Easy 1000 Exp Points!

    First obtain the combo ranking of "Toasty". Then immediately press the start button. The words "Toasty 1000" should appear in the middle of the screen and you will be awarded 1000 exp points. The best thing about this trick is, it works every time.
  • Fight Ermac, Kano, and Mileena!

    To fight Ermac, you need the Fist of Ruin and Swing Ability. Go to Wu Shi Academy and go to the first area of it. Once you're there, look for the big red bridge. Before this, there is a split path. Take the one going over a chasm of spikes. On the other side is an evil Priest statue. Break it and head into the new area. Once you're there, jump onto the area to the left. Use swing to get to higher ground, then interact with the statue. The doors on the other side of the bridge in this area will open, and you will see the Warrior Shrine.
    Go to the Warrior Shrine, and examine the statue on the left three times to fight...Ermac!
    Near the end of the game, right before you fight the final three bosses, talk to Kitana three or four times. Destroy the guards that come into the room, then go through the new door to find...Kano!
    In the first area of the Living Forest, use the swing ability on the two big branches that can be found above you as you head for the save structure. Swing over to higher ground, then climb up the ladder. You will be in a new area. Head to the other end of this treetop area to fight...Mileena!

MK: Shaolin Monks Glitches

  • Invisible gameplay

    After Goro dies and Kung lao argues with Kang, wait until Kang is hit and morphs back into Shang Tsung. At the point that Tsung is green from being half-morphed, skip that cut-scene and when it returns to normal game-play, your character will be invisible and only his shadow on the ground will be visible.

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